Thursday, November 6, 2014

Standard One - Employability Skills - Speaker Reflection #1

When Ms.Erica Roberts came over to speak to us I was astounded. My perspective was changed just a little because I didn't know that I would would get a lot of credibility by doing extracirrucular activities. I am currently in TSA so I hope that helps me get into AI or Full Sails. The habits that I would keep would me being comedic and trying to be the best because I need these to keep my life balanced like she said.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Technology through the Ages

Technology: the study of the designed world. Used to solve practical problems and extend human capabilities. Developments in technology are evolutionary, and are often the result of a series of refinements to an idea or basic invention.

Impacts of Technology: are divided into four categories: social (the impact on people), political (the impact on policy and laws), cultural (the impact on human achievement), and economic (the impact on the economy).

Paleolithic Age: the Old Stone Age, occurred between 500,000 BC and 10,000 BC and is marked by improvements to diet and security allowing the population to grow.

Mesolithic Age: the Middle Stone Age, occurred between 10,000 BC and 4,000 BC and is marked by the domestication of animals and agriculture.

Neolithic Age: the New Stone Age, occurred between 4,000 BC and 2,300 BC and is marked by specialization, division of labor, and the use of math and documentation of concepts.

Bronze Age: the architectural period that includes combining copper and tin to produce bronze; occurred between 2,300 BC and 700 BC.

 Iron Age: the architectural period marked by the use of iron and steel; occurred between 700 BC and 450 AD

Middle Ages: the architectural period after the Roman Empire; divided into Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages; occurred between 450 AD and 1,400 AD and marked by the development of tools of war.

Renaissance: the architectural period marked by the revival of classical influence and the sharing of ideas; occurred between 1,400 AD and 1,750 AD.

 Industrial Age: the architectural period marked by the first use of complex machinery, factories and urbanization, occurring between 1,750 AD and 1,950 AD.

Information Age: the architectural period marked by information sharing, gathering, manipulation, and retrieval; occurred between 1,950 AD and present

Friday, August 22, 2014

Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering can help me to become a better problem solver because it will help me think differently. This will help in engineering because it will help me make less mistakes. It could also help me in difficult situations that require different ways to think.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Lab Safety Colors

In a lab safety colors are important for everyones safety. These have different colors have different standards and can protect you in the long run.
Red usually means Danger or Stop.
This can pretain to Fire Blankets, Fire Extinguishers, alarm bars and more.

 Yellow stands for caution and physical hazards that are nearby such as sharp objects and other items that can cause physical damage.

Orange usually means dangerous parts of a machine or energized equipment this can include: Gears, fuse boxes and more.
Green designates safety locations for medical equipment like First Aid, Safety Showers, First aid dispensers

 Blue identifies safety information used on informational signs and bulletin boards.

Purple represents radiation hazards.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Results for Spacefem survey

You might make a good
Aerospace Engineer
Aerospace engineers design aircraft, spacecraft, and other air vehicles. They work with the systems and equipment needed to propel and control anything that moves through the air. There is a great deal of overlap between aerospace and mechanical engineering, which is responsible for the physical design of all kinds of products.

Other scores:
Aerospace: 53%
Electrical: 38%
Chemical: 38%
Civil: 30%
Industrial: 30%
Environmental: 30%
Computer: 23%
Materials: 15%
Mechanical: 0%

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My results on Engineering quiz

You might make a good
Computer Engineer
Computer engineers apply and construct computers needed for system design. They write software, design hardware, and work on improving capabilities like multimedia, mobile computing, simulations, and artificial intelligence. 

Other scores:
Computer: 46%
Industrial: 38%
Electrical: 30%
Chemical: 30%
Civil: 30%
Environmental: 23%
Materials: 23%
Aerospace: 23%
Mechanical: 15%

What kind of engineer should you be? Find out at